(Owner / Operator)
Kris completed his apprenticeship and Engineering Certificate 3 – Mechanical Trade (Locksmith) in December 2004 while living in Australia. He gained 15+ years experience in the industry before embarking on his own business. Although Kris’s passion is anything automotive, his specialty is residential and commercial fitting. He is known for his attention to detail being second to none.

(Owner / Operator)
You may recognise Lou’s face from when she helped run the AA counter. Nowadays she helps out in the office and cuts the odd key, too! She is also managing our new ecommerce website from order to your door.

(Locksmith Assistant)
Shay is based in our shop full time. He is able to help with over phone and counter enquiries. He has been with us since 2019 and enjoys helping clients with the always varied jobs that come through the door.

Brothers Craig and Kris Hodgson took the reins of Richmond Locks Alarms and Electrical in April 2015. A restructure in 2018 sees Craig now operating the Electrical and Alarms divisions under the name Tech Tasman Limited at a new location. You can get hold of him at info@techtasman.co.nz. Kris and his wife Louise now operate as Richmond Locksmith Services still running from the shop at 11 McGlashen Ave, Richmond.